It’s time to unfold the details of International Competition! Among chosen films there are 21 titles from 6 continents. We will see 3 animations, 3 experimental films, 4 documentaries and 11 fictions.
International jury will present winners with following awards:
I International Competition award – 10 000 PLN (approx. 2 400 EUR)
II International Competition award – 5 000 PLN (approx. 1 200 EUR)
III International Competition award – 2 500 PLN (approx. 600 EUR)
The jury may also award Honorable Mentions. The audience gathered at the competition screenings will provide the verdict for the Audience Award by voting for a film of their choice – 2 500 PLN (ok. 600 EUR).
The list of selected films:
III / Marta Pajek / Poland / 2018 / Animation / 12’
Abu Adnan (Adnan’s Father) / Sylvia Le Fanu / Denmark / 2017 / Fiction / 25’
All These Creatures / Charles Williams / Australia / 2018 / Fiction / 13’
Bigger Than Life / Adnan Softić / Macedonia / Italy / Germany / 2018 / Experimental / 30’
Brotherhood / Meryam Joobeur / Canada / Tunisia / Qatar / Sweden / 2018 / Fiction / 25’
Câm Lặng (The Mute) / An Pham Thien / USA / Vietnam / 2018 / Fiction / 15’
Counterfeit Kunkoo / Reema Sengupta / India / 2017 / Fiction / 15’
Déploiements (Deployments) / Stéphanie Lagarde / France / Netherlands / 2018 / Experimental / 16’
El Afilador (The Sharpener) / James Casey / Mexico / USA / 2018 / Fiction / 9’
Fest / Nikita Diakur / Germany / 2018 / Animation / 3’
Gardhi (Fence) / Lendita Zeqiraj / Kosovo / Croatia /France / 2018 / Fiction / 15’
Hector Malot: The Last Day of the Year / Jacqueline Lentzou / Greece / 2018 / Fiction / 25’
I signed the Petition / Mahdi Fleifel / UK / Germany / Switzerland / 2018 / Documentary / 11’
Jululu / Michele Cinque / Italy / 2017 / Documentary / 15’
L’été et tout le reste (The Summer and All the Rest) / Sven Bresser / Netherlands / 2018 / Fiction / 18’
La Chute (The Fall) / Boris Labbé / France / 2018 / Animation / 14’
La Flaca (The Bony Lady) / Adriana Barbosa, Thiago Zanato / Brazil / Mexico / USA / 2018 / Documentary / 20’
Lunch Time / Alireza Ghasemi / Iran / 2017 / Fiction / 16’
Monelle / Diego Marcon / Italy / 2017 / Experimental / 16’
No Man is an Island / Ali Parandian / Norway / 2017 / Fiction / 28’
Tungrus / Rushi Chandna / India / 2017 / Documentary / 14’