Dear Short Waves Festival Friends!
More than two months ago we would have enjoyed 12th edition of Short Waves Festival in March, but due to the very dynamically growing pandemic situation, we had to make an extremely difficult decision to change the dates of our Festival. Among printed catalogues and prepared promotional materials (we had to make the decision to move SWF a week before the start of it) with a heavy heart, we canceled the festival and announced new August dates.
This year we will see each other at Short Waves Festival from 18 to 23 August.
It’s certain that it won’t be the same edition we were preparing for March 2020. First of all, we operate in exceptional times when the world and local situation changes extremely quickly. Your sense of comfort has always been one of the most important elements for us, but now it’s becoming an absolute priority, so the festival formula will be adapted to your needs and safety. Secondly, for the first time in the history of Short Waves Festival, we are organizing an event in the summer, which is an exciting challenge for us, but also changing the approach to creating festival screenings in the city.
We’re constantly working to offer you, dear viewers and participants of the festival, the most interesting but above all, the safest formula of meeting with short film during Short Waves Festival. We know that we’ll meet here in Poznan physically, but for all those who can’t or aren’t ready to participate in the Festival yet, we’re preparing an online platform with the festival program.
We decide to take a hybrid form, giving you the opportunity to choose the form of participation in the festival.
Meanwhile, we’re working on events together with Glasgow Short Film Festival, which, just like us, was forced to postpone festival dates and will take place completely online. It’s important for us in these difficult times in particular, that we can support each other and cooperate, but also approach challenges in a creative way.
The festival is primarily a meeting place for us, so this is a very difficult and extraordinary situation for us, but we also treat it as another challenge and the opportunity to adapt to a kind of ‘ new reality. ‘ Most of all, we would like to thank you for your support, for participating in the events we have organized in the past few weeks, for your kind words and comments about our activity.
We ask for a little more patience – we will come back to you in June with a full package of accurate information!
Short Waves Festival Team