Look what we have prepared for you on the fifth day of the festival.
SWF for Kids
11:00 / Kino Muza / online
A set of the most beautiful animated short films form the last three editions of Ale Kino! International Young Audience Film Festival created using various techniques of animation, stories of friendship, fear of the unknown, openness towards other people and a farewell to a loved one. It’s an extraordinary journey across the world of emotion and relationships.
Festival Brunch
12:30 / Concordia Taste / offline
invitations only
Brunch for creators, guests and the film industry members at the same venue. The festival creates the possibility of a meeting and networking with professionals from the film industry.
Industry Talk: Let’s Get Critical
14:00 / Kino Muza / online
In this panel we aim to explore the current state of short film criticism in terms of accessibility and opportunities. Who is doing it and who is it for? Has the rise of more streaming platforms over the past couple of years also increased the quantity of writings about short film? Does more short film distribution equals better criticism? Can the concretisation of a short film canon nurture more public education? Let’s get critical!
Hotel Europa: Historical Utopias
14:30 / Kino Muza / offline
A screening of multi-layered film “Bigger Than Life” directed by Adnan Softić, who focuses primarily on the subjects of multi-ethnic countries, patriotic-national fantasies and the relationship between personal and collective memory. After the screening we will be hosting a conversation with the director, featuring the subject of Skopje 2014 in the context of historical policy, led by Agata Rogoś.
Spotlight: Tomasz Popakul
15:00 / Kino Muza / online
An individual presentation of animations by Tomasz Popakul who is one of the most interesting Polish artists of the young generation and whose signature style and storytelling skills fill the screening rooms at hundreds of festivals and win numerous awards at world’s most important festivals. In the program we will see fish-humans, life in space and road movie with illegal rave aesthetic.
Polish Short Cinema Panorama
16:30 / Kino Rialto / online
Polish Short Cinema Panorama is the collection of most interesting and representative productions which enrich Polish cinema with its original stories, meaningful comments about reality in Poland and interesting visual innovations.
Fixing the Future: The Art of Protest
17:30 / Kino Muza / online
Demonstration is one of the most common, effective and liberating forms of resistance (or support). It may take a soft form of a peaceful protest or a clamorous rally, yet it also may turn into a bloody riot on a massive scale. How do we feel when we get out on the streets together? May the act of being present among the protesting crowd have a performative element to it? And finally – how does the authority respond to society’s resistance? Sometimes the art of protest is the only thing we have left.
Hotel Europa: Border Zone
18:00 / Kino Muza
A screening of “Die Linie” directed by Clemens Wilhelm that is a record of the author’s walk along a former border between East and West Germany. A symbolic story referring to the subject of borders all over the world as a tool of political power. A conversation with the director after the screening will be led by Szymon Stemplewski.
20:00 / CK Zamek / online
A ceremonial announcement of winners in all competition categories presented at the 12th Short Waves Festival, as well as a performance by polish singer Kasia Lins. We will award 12 prizes in 5 categories. We are happy to welcome guests from all around the world as well as four international jury committees. It’s the most important evening throughout the whole festival so we hope to see you all there!
European Film Awards I
20:30 / Kino Muza / online
A selection of films nominated for the European Film Award 2019, which has been awarded since 1988 by the European Film Academy. EFA is an initiative of European directors based in Berlin. It was founded by Ingmar Bergman, while Wim Wenders is the current president. The first ever prize during the ceremony was received by Krzysztof Kieślowski. The award is widely known as the „European Oscar” as it is the most prestigious distinction on the Old Continent.
Festival Club: WOSK + Old Spice (TVPCO)
21:00 / Brzeg Wschodni
A DJ collective created by two homies – vinyl record collectors. A Boy Next Door aka Sąsiad and Plux aka Pudel. Poznań dance classic.
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