On Friday, June 18, within historical walls of Poznań’s Imperial Castle 13th Short Waves Festival Award Ceremony has taken place. After the tumultuous deliberations and exhaustive voting, members of each Jury and the audience has awarded films in five categories: International Competition, Polish Competition, Polish Experimental Film Competition, Dances with Camera, Urban View – in amount of 48 000 polish zlotych.
Jury members: Marta Prus, Ioakim Mylonas, Gerald Weber decided to award following films:
I Award – 10 000 PLN
A Lack of Clarity, dir. Stefan Kruse Jorgensen, Denmark 2020 – For the creative, thought provoking and disturbing way to critically address a global development towards social control.

II Award – 5 000 PLN
Same/Different/Both/Neither, dir. Adriana Barbosa, Fernanda Passoa, Brazil/USA 2020 – Through a tender cinematic conversation between two friends, this film becomes a subtle diary of our times.
III Nagroda – 2 500 PLN
Blue Honda Civic, dir. Jussi Eerola, Finland 2020 – For taking the viewer on an original roadtrip which playfully sharpens our senses of perception of what we call reality.

Honourable Mention
Push This Button if you Need to Panic, dir. Gabriel Böhmer, United Kingdom 2020 – For its original animation technique and humorous approach.

Audience Award – 2 000 PLN
Still Processing, dir. Sophy Romvari, Canada 2020
Jury members: Tomasz Kolankiewicz, Suzy Gillett, Peter Cerovšek presented following awards:
Main Award – 7 500 PLN
Equinox, dir. Daria Kasperek, Poland 2020 – We were unanimous in giving the prize to Equinox (Równonoc) by Daria Kasperek. To its stylish cinematic minimalism, ambition and artistic courage. The film took us all on an intriguing journey – we look forward to seeing her future work.

Youth Jury Award – 1 000 PLN
Vyraj, dir. Agnieszka Nowosielska, Poland 2020 – For sensitivity and depiction of family ties with tenderness, attention to detail, as well as symbolism creation. For the ability to construct characters that function not only on paper. For a beautiful and romantic world, in which seemingly picturesque nature and dreamy atmosphere have the capacity to create a sense of uneasiness. Vyraj is a film that takes risks and fills a gap in Polish cinema at the same time.
Audience Award – 2 000 PLN
We have one heart, dir. Katarzyna Warzecha, Poland 2020

Jury members: Ewa Szabłowska, Piotr Bosacki oraz Marina Kozul pronounced the following verdict:
Main Award – 5 000 PLN
untitled, dir. Daniel Dąbrowski, Poland 2020 – For the use of analog techniques that may be considered as a genuine experiment. For making a reference to structuralists and 70’s avant-garde. For limitation of resources that captures the material essence of the cinematic image, for composure and presentation of a human in their natural position, EPFC jury awards Daniel Dąbrowski for “untitled”.
Honourable Mention
Inside me (To co we mnie siedzi), dir. Mateusz Kułacz, Poland 2020 – An interesting and ambiguous case of introspection created by a person without formal filmmaking and life experience. We’d like to give a special mention to Mateusz Kułacz for “To co we mnie siedzi”.
Jury members: Anna Alexandre, Wojciech Mochniej, Mary Wycherley pronounced the following verdict:
I Award – 5 000 PLN
CAN’T KILL US ALL, dir. Botis Seva, United Kingdom 2020 – We, members of the jury, want to celebrate the striking force of Botis Seva’s film CAN’T KILL US ALL. The unique perspective proposed in the film drags the audience deep into visceral emotions and thoughts of its main character, a young black father of today. The lenses and the frames used by the filmmaker emphasize again the drama supported by an incredibly powerful embodiment and interpretation. Botis Seva shaped here a real jewel, made out of pure intimacy and global fight for human rights – an essential contribution for both societal change and dance film.
II Award – 2 000 PLN
Fibonacci, dir. Tomáš Hubáček, Czech Republic 2020 – We also want to salute the strong poetry of the landscapes of FIBONACCI by Tomáš Hubáček as well as the relationships between its delicate dramaturgy and the powerful soundscore. The film brings together the composition of the frame with striking organic choreography. An amazing visual imprint combined with a subtle message about environment and life.
Honourable Mention
Navigation, dir. Marlene Millar, Canada 2020 – With a deep appreciation for the production as a whole, we want to give an honorable mention to the film NAVIGATION by Marlene Millar and Sandy Silva. Strikingly kinesthetic and rich in sound and visual image, the film provides a strong sense of community, history and cultural heritage. The cinematography beautifully captures the symbiotic impact of the choreography, the landscape and the original soundscore. Lingering long after the closing moments is a poetic reflection on the past with a hope for the future.
Honourable Mention
Ben, dir. Gabriel Beddoes, Ilaria Vergani Bassi, Mattia Parisotto, Teresa Sala, Italy 2020 – We wished also to give special mention to BEN by Gabriel Beddoes, Ilaria Vergani Bassi, Mattia Parisotto, Teresa Sala for its suave story leading us in the wake of a beautiful anti-hero, straight out of the Italian Cinema tradition. His charm and awkwardness invite us to question softly how we may fit in and navigate the world. BEN makes us slip into a bittersweet melancholia, leaving us with a tender smile and a heavy heart.
Audience Award – 1 000 PLN
You wanted rivers, dir. Magdalena Zielińska, Poland 2020
Audience Award – 5 000 PLN
Enter Through the Balcony, dir. Roman Blazhan, Ukraine 2020
Congratulations to all winners!