Opening Night: UKRAiNATV x MAF

➔ 14.11 – 20:00 – 1:00
➔ W Sercu
➔  Free entry (number of places is limited)

The opening night will be marked by community and collective activities, featuring cutting-edge activist-creative projects. The MAF collective, an initiative working to promote niche Ukrainian culture and grassroots cultural practices, will be responsible for the musical part of the evening. 

The performative and audiovisual part of the evening will belong to UKRAїNATV, an experimental collective in the broad CYBER domain. UKRAїNATV is a multi-channel and multi-platform streaming HUB, recording studio and global network of multi-directional collaborations. It is an open collective of creative people, media freaks, activists, researchers, designers, musicians and DJs from Ukraine, Poland, Belarus, Italy and many other countries. It’s a team of people in need and people helping – refugees, nomads, emigrants and immigrants who don’t feel safe in their own countries or the personal situations they find themselves in. People who find themselves by exploring new possibilities in the media space.

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