OFF Jeżyce 2023
Thank you for the shared experience of the 2nd OFF Jeżyce!
The second edition of the OFF Jeżyce Festival has come to an end. For the Ad Arte Foundation team – the organizers of the event – it was an intense and incredibly satisfying time. We saw that the interest in what we do is significant, and the smiles on your faces and positive words made us want to continue creating things that emphasize the local character of culture and promote it in its entirety!
OFF Jeżyce is an event whose mission is to promote local, Poznań culture and creative individuals from the capital of Wielkopolska. At the same time, we aim to create an atmosphere of collectivity, a comfortable space for meetings, and the building of neighborhood bonds. In the program of our festival, we incorporate short films, locally produced music videos, music, and spending time in outdoor locations, specifically in Jeżyce!
The slogan “In the close vicinity of culture” guided us throughout the entire preparation and duration of the festival. We witnessed firsthand how events of this kind are needed because it is precisely in their immediate surroundings that residents are most eager to absorb things they don’t have the opportunity to interact with on a daily basis.
The second edition of OFF Jeżyce attracted 1,000 people who, during 10 events, gathered in Festival locations! They listened, watched, talked, and together with us, discovered what local culture has to offer. Thank you!
During OFF Jeżyce, we presented 14 short films in the Jeżycki Open Screen section, created by local filmmakers, three feature films during Cinema Letnie, and 13 music videos during Muza z Fyrtla. The screening of competition clips also revealed two winners.
Congratulations to the winners of the Muza z Fyrtla Audience Award of PLN 1,000, who won the majority of votes in the room – the creator of the music video “Problems,” Maksym Adamowicz, and the BLAZED YARD band responsible for the music!
In addition to the audience award, the three-member jury consisting of Pola Kuszak, Tobiasz Jankowski, and Jakub Wojciechowski awarded their own prize, also in the amount of PLN 1,000!
The music video for the song “Asik – ‘Nie mają serc'” directed by Natalia Sroka won the Muza z Fyrtla Contest by:
– Maximum use of minimal means, in an aesthetic and interesting way
– Freshness in the context of Polish new rap
– A consistent connection of image and music into a unique music video
The program included:
Summer Cinema:
In the cozy garden of Winobramie and Twoja Wina, we started with the theme “Ahoj Sąsiedzi!”, which reminded us of the iconic Czechoslovak animation about Paca and Maca. The event was organized in collaboration with the Czech Center Warsaw.
We watched:
– “L’Été 85′” directed by François Ozon
– “Alcarràs” directed by Carla Simón
– “The Daughter” directed by Maggie Gyllenhaal
Jeżycki Open Screen & Muza z Fyrtla:
Local films and music – short films and music video contests provide an excellent opportunity for local individuals involved in filmmaking and contributing to the creation of the Poznań music scene to showcase their work.
Jeżycki Open Screen – Program 1 – “Summer Nostalgia”:
– “And that seems to me the most important” / dir. Anka Rynarzewska / experiment / 6’39”
– “The Grand Mother” / dir. Julia Hazuka / animation / 10’00”
– “Currants” / dir. Dominika Tkaczyk / animation / 4’35”
– “The Mysterious Garden” / dir. Zofia Urbanek / experiment / 6’00”
– “Melting” / dir. Blanka Kęstowicz / experiment / 10’42”
– “Haze” / dir. Zuzanna Stempska / experiment / 11’10
– “Awareness of the Cosmos” / dir. Arek Ratajczak / fiction/experiment / 5’30”
Jeżycki Open Screen – Program 2 – “Where Am I?”:
– “Do actors really fall in love with each other?” / dir. Dominika Tkaczyk / animation / 6’48”
– “Hey Teacher” / dir. Stanisław Maciejewski / animation / 2’51”
– “STAN” / dir. Kacper Pawelski / fiction/experiment / 10’00”
– “Eleutheria” / dir. Rafał Łysak / fiction / 18’00”
– “Mirage” / dir. Jan Kl
imek / fiction / 8’19”
– “The Sword” / dir. Zuzanna Dąbrowska / fiction / 6’57”
– “Post Proto” / dir. Aneta Siurnicka / animation / 2’45”
Morning for Children:
Another point on the OFF Jeżyce program was the Morning for the youngest. An animated short film screening prepared by Franciszek Drąg and animation workshops for children with Zuzia Koprowska.
Festival Club: Dom Tramwajarza:
As part of the OFF Jeżyce edition, last year’s Muza z Fyrtla laureate, the Willa Kosmos band, played for us. Over the weekend, the dance floor was set in motion by Poznań DJs, TBH and Nowesta.
Organizers of OFF Jeżyce are the Jeżyce District Council in Poznań, Ad Arte Foundation, and Short Waves Festival. The project is financed by the City of Poznań and co-financed with funds from the Jeżyce District Council in Poznań. The event partners are Dom Tramwajarza, Pana Gara Foundation, Stara Zajezdnia, Winobramie, and Twoja Wina.