of Movement
What makes you move? Life is full of journeys – departures, returns, labyrinths, inner and outer journeys. Technology and communications accelerated the natural patterns of human migration, allowing us new freedoms and new routes. On micro or macro scales, the movement of crossing borders and defying natural assumptions, has a tremendous power of transformation, both for the traveller and for the community.
Did you ever lose an airplane for good? Did you find yourself anew in a foreign country? Did you find what you were missing? As an art of movement, cinema has allowed us to see the world from a unique perspective, and experience the otherness. Cinema was born to be international, and to connect people around the globe simultaneously. At its best times, the screen is a window to the world or a mirror to ourselves. Of all arts, cinema is one of the closest to life, ”something between art and life”. Borders can be crossed physically but also emotionally, and sensorially.
In times of multiple wars, political division and environmental crisis; there is also an accelerated shifting of perception and values. The old systems are crumbling, and we are not there yet with new structures. Where are you now in this story? Maybe cinema can help. Here it goes with voices from Brazil, Morocco, Rwanda, Iran and Costa Rica. We are going around the world in this screening, trying to connect common challenges to all of us and possible movements of resistance. Touching on contemporary topics such as inequality of gender, race and non-hegemonic bodies, but also colonialism, migration and the threat of dictatorship; dancing, running or coming-of-age, what unites these different film worlds, is the intersectional look, the underlying trust in movement, and how they remain open, asking viewers to complete the text.
I am getting closer to the coast and I realize how much I hate arriving at a destination. Transition is always a relief. Destination means death to me. If I could figure out a way to remain forever in transition, in the disconnected and unfamiliar, I could remain in a state of perpetual freedom. [David Wojnarowicz]