DKF Interwaves is the first Film Discussion Club in Poland, founded by the Ad Arte Foundation in cooperation with the Intermedia Department of the Poznan University of Arts, dedicated mainly to experimental cinema. The meetings will begin with lectures introducing the participants to the subject matter of the films and the characters of their creators, and after the screenings a discussion is planned – giving space to express one’s thoughts and opinions. DKF Interwaves screenings take place every last Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm in the UAP Cinema Hall (room 204) at the Department of Animation and Intermedia in building C at 9 Plac Wielkopolski.
First DKF Interwaves meeting!
Thursday 29.02 | 19:00 | UAP C Building | DKF Interwaves: Out of This World
Five films that deconstruct narratives, create reality from scratch and challenge the notion of an established order. They revolve around themes such as (interspecies) loneliness, depression, human interference with nature, and ecological problems, doing so in diverse and complex ways.

All films will be presented in their original versions, with subtitles in Polish and English, and the lecture that begins the screening and the final discussion will be conducted in Polish.